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Lead Generation Campaign for Microsoft 365 Business

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As many partners in Poland offer Microsoft solutions, standing out in a competitive market was a significant challenge for TechData. Additionally, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, while feature-rich, is not the cheapest option, so demonstrating its superior value was crucial.

Shortly after the campaign’s launch, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased interest in Microsoft 365 solutions. Many companies were unprepared for remote work, necessitating a swift shift in our strategy. We positioned Microsoft 365 Business Premium as an essential tool for companies to maintain effective operations during the pandemic.

To address the issue of irrelevant leads from educational institutions, we implemented a solution within the contact form. Users were prompted to specify their company type, and if identified as an educational institution, they were redirected to an external Microsoft page tailored for schools and universities.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we adjusted the content both on the website and in the ads, placing greater emphasis on the rapid and secure digitization capabilities, as well as the facilitation of remote work.

The campaign spanned from March to August 2020, and at the client’s request, we resumed activities in 2021. As part of the refresh, we expanded the landing page, introducing dedicated subpages focusing on cybersecurity and remote work. Additionally, we created an additional video case study highlighting a client’s experience with Microsoft 365 Business Premium.